Sunday, 6 September 2015

c1916 Model 9 Norton

-JdK- Martin sent these pics of what probably is a c1916 Model 9 Norton. Martin: "I have today been sent some nice original pics of an early belt drive Norton. These were given to a friend of mine by a lady who lives nearby and should therefore now be referred to as being part of the Roger Harrison Collection . 

The registration DP1577 is a Reading number issued around 1908, quite a long time before the Norton was made. The machine has rather snazzy wheel discs, a fad for a very short time.  I have no other information on the machine at this point and comments are therefore welcome."

Mike: "It has the early and very narrow petrol tank and the pre-1918 pattern cylinder. The 1915 Norton tank had a cutout for valve replacement, so not from that year while 1917 was military only, so also unlikely. That makes it 1916 and very desirable it would be too!"