Saturday 3 September 2016

Nortons in the 1920 TT

-SG- Here's a rather fuzzy shot which seems to be taken at the 1920 TT in Norton's island garage. There were quite a few Norton riders in the event and the works entries did quite well.  Here's a table of the details I have been able to gather so far - any extra information or corrections welcome! The man with the tyre is Norton's work manager Bill Hassall.

14 entries as stated in Norton's 1921 literature:

Works entries / position / riding no.
N H Brown / 8th / 58
J W Shaw / 7th / 57
G W Walker / 13th / 59
D M Brown / 2nd / 56
F C North / 10th / 63

Private owners / position / riding no.
N. Black / 11th / 79
V E Horsman / Retd / 62
A J C Lindsay / Retd / 75
V Olsson / Retd / 55
H Petty / Retd / 61
N C Sclater / 4th / 67
T Simister / Retd / 68
J Thomas / 14th / 76
A J Moffat / non-starter / 73

Postscript: Tim - who has already provided useful input re the first Best and Lloyd mechanical oil pumps - has given us more helpful  information re the 1920 TT. First, it was the first year when the full Mountain course was used.  Then he provided the missing numbers for Norton riders, now included above. He also advises that there was a further Norton rider - A J Moffat, as the 1921 Norton literature states - making fourteen in all in the list above. In my records Moffat is only shown as riding in the 1914 event and further delving shows that he damaged his bike in practice in 1920 and did not start as a result.  

Tim goes on to add: My interest in the 1920 TT is as follows: I own a 1919/20 Duzmo to TT spec. Bert le Vack entered a works Duzmo for the 1920 Senior no. 69 as did N C Sclater no. 67. I know both bikes were shipped to the Island. Le Vack has trouble in practice with his Duzmo and reported that he could not get the parts to keep it running. My guess is that they used parts from Sclater's bike or even the whole bike, so Le Vack could ride a Duzmo. Sclater switched to a 490 Norton, a far better move as Le Vack was reported to have been knocked off on the 5th lap by an unknown rider.  More likely he blew it up on the 5th lap! After the TT Le Vack severed all his ties with John Wallace, the maker of Duzmo. A pity, as Le Vack had won many speed events in 1920, before the TT, Duzmo mounted,  Kop Hill-climb being among them. Le Vack went on to greater things as we all know, with JAP, New Hudson and Motosacoche.