-SG- David plus Model 9 attended the recent Sunbeam Club gathering at Brooklands. Thanks to him for recent photos of the bike and a few words about it!
"Unrestored 1920 Model 9 TT believed to have been exported to Western Australia early in its life, returning to UK in 1977. Fitted with a Phillipson pulley with a handlebar operated brake which gives more control than the automatic action of the clock type spring in the central drum.
Ratio is normally set at 4 1⁄2 to 1 (O' Donovan recommendation) with a lowest available of about 5 1⁄2. Machine is light and powerful so will climb most hills surprisingly well even with a relatively heavyweight rider. Just visible are Terry spring top links on the Druid forks which allow a slight fore and aft movement, greatly adding to comfort with no effect on handling. Pictured recently at Brooklands."