Thursday, 1 June 2023

Jimmie Guthrie


-SG- Hawick is a sizeable town in the central Scottish Borders and is of particular note to those interested in Norton's  racing activities in the thirties, as the home of Jimmie Guthrie. The Hawick Archeological Society first published a booklet entitled 'Jimmie Guthrie, Hawick's Racing Legend' back in 1997. This was written by John Rogerson and Gordon Small - alas, no longer with us.  It has recently been revised by John and reprinted - the Guthrie family having granted permission for hitherto unpublished photos from the family album to be included.

It is of course available to visitors to the Hawick Museum or by post - send your order to:

Hawick Archeological Society  Publications Secretary, Mr Garry Simpson, 8 Park View, Wilton Dean, Hawick TD9 7JE

 Price is £5.00 plus £3.75 p and p. Cheque with order.