Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Martin's 1928 Model 18 Norton

-JdK- An email from Martin in England, in his own words: "Good morning. With apologies for the poor photos here are a few snaps of my Model 18 I've owned for about 15 years. I got talking to an elderly gentleman, Malcolm, at a rummage sale who was selling a few Norton bits. After chatting for a while we exchanged telephone numbers and that was it for about a year. Then I got a surprise call off Malcolm who asked me if I would be interested in an old Norton. Not knowing what was in store I made the journey with trepidation expecting disappointment as is often the case. Upon arrival I was treated by the bike in the first  picture which I would like to share with you. A deal was done and to this day it's my go to bike as it's a joy to ride. The despatch notes list it as a Model 18 of April 1928. The delivery address was 602 bombing squadron Renfrew Glasgow, the recipient being E. Poole. I've tried but can't find any details about this chap. I enclose a couple more outdoor snaps. Best regards, Martin from Walsall England."