Thursday, 13 October 2016

c1927 Model 18/21 Norton - For sale

'Yesterdays' have a  1927 flat tank Norton on their site at the astonishing price of 38.500 euros. It is described as a Model 18 with a Model 21 engine - correct because Simon looked up the engine and frame number in the records a couple of weeks back for some who had expressed an interest in it. Thus it is not a matching numbers bike, has no interesting history and has various things wrong with it even as a tidily rebuilt basket case.

Here's a few of the more obvious anomalies: wrong gearbox, wrong magneto, crude magneto drive chain arrangement (not that difficult to repair the timing cover), wrong petrol filler cap (makes us wonder if the tank is repro. but if it is, it looks pretty good), ridiculous handlebars, wrong steering damper set up (should have a top mounted Andre damper), wrong carburettor (which we covet none the less!).

A motorcycle is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it; in our view there are more interesting bikes on Yesterdays' website for less than one third of the price of what this one would cost you.