-JdK- Richard in the UK is selling his very nice 1925 Model 16H Norton. Send us an email for his contact details when you are interested.
Richard: "I bought the bike in July 1971 and swapped it for an Austin Chummy in 1975. It changed hands again for a short while and I bought it back again in about 1980. While it was out of my care it had a conrod break and the motor was changed from 24056 to the one that is still fitted, 6130. The frame number is 16600. I have the old log book from 1958 and a scattering of photos and a letter from a previous owner (below); he went from Worthing to Edinbrough and back as a young student, a total of 940 miles! I have some engine spares to let go with the bike.
It got used, not polished! It never once let me down and I have had years of fun on it. Ill health dictates that I now need to sell it. I would hope it finds a new home with a rider and not get repainted and put in a glass box! Asking price is £17.000."
From the previous owner (place pointer on letter, click right mouse button and 'open in new screen' to read) |
-SG- The replacement engine 6130 started life in a Model 16H supplied in May 1923 to Bristol agents George Tucker. The details against the original engine 24056 are: Model 16H. Frame number 16600. Magneto Number 139298 . Brown and Barlow Carb., 26 x 3 tyres. Druid forks. Gearbox 139298. Supplied 23/3/25 to Lambs of Walthamstow.