Saturday, 1 December 2012

Norman Gledhill, 1932 Model 30 Norton

-Contibuted by Tim- Norman Gledhill after his win at the 1932 MGP; fag in mouth. Gledhill was a Yorkshire man and came from Huddersfield. Gledhill went on to race in the TT a few years later again on a Norton.

-SG- You are right about Norman Gledhill coming from Yorkshire: he had quite a good record in the Amateur and the MGP being 4th in 1928 (Senior) 3rd in 1930 (Senior) 10th in 1932 (Junior) 1st in 1932 (Senior) 5th in 1933 (Junior) and 4th in 1933 (Senior) - all on Nortons.