Sunday, 15 April 2012

350cc Speedway Nortons

-JdK- Scanning through the seemingly endless files of the Technisches Museum Wien I came across these photos. The riders are Fritz Faltner and Hans Mayer and their bikes are remarkable as these are early 350cc Nortons. Both machines were heavily modified for some sort of speedway contest but they can still be identified. Both were successful if the laurel wreaths mean anything. Note that in some of the pictures the brake drums are empty.

Fritz on the Model JE. The 'hat' on the barrel may have been
fitted to keep the muck from the valves. Note the Druids.
Hans and the Model CJ. Note the Speedway forks.

Fritz has what seems to be a c1929 Model JE. Hans uses what must be a c1932 Model CJ. The caption to the pics identifies the venues as the "Auto- und Motorradrennen auf der Trabrennbahn Wien-Krieau 1934, Goldener Sturzhelm der ČSR 1934 and Internationales Klausenrennen 1934".

Hans and Model CJ

Hans and Model CJ
Hans and CJ at the start
Fritz (35) on the JE, Hans (31) on the CJ and
 Hans Ruzicka (37) on a Peugeot