Sunday, 27 October 2024

1931 CJ Norton engine


-JdK- An email from Frank: "I bought this 1931 CJ engine from a dealer in the Netherlands last summer. It originally came from a millionaire in Germany. The motor has been cannibalized over the years. Initially, it was supposed to go to someone in England, but the deal fell through. The buyer wanted to take it apart, but the dealer did not have the right tools and the piston was stuck in the cylinder. I spent 2 weeks to get the cylinder off. It seems to be a non-standard engine with a high, domed piston and a head made of bronze. There are oil scrapers fitted in the cases close to where the crankshaft runs. The crankcases are being repaired now. The crankshaft is ready. I have found and bought some parts already in the meantime. I still have an empty cambox ... Before I go screaming to Molnar for an oil pump, I would rather try to find a good, usable original Mazak pump. If you have one that you are willing to sell to me, please contact this website. Greetings from the Netherlands, Frank Kuyl."