Sunday, 20 June 2021

David Taylor and Bonhams sale

-SG- Those with an interest in current motorcycle auctions will probably be aware of Bonhams upcoming Stafford sale (2-4 July) which includes (lots 116 to 451) my good friend David Taylor's large collection of  Vintage Nortons and parts.  Some of these have been featured on the web site before and I am pleased that I was able to help him over the years with manufacturing details, engine/frame numbers etc. While I have no financial axe to grind, I have every confidence in saying that any purchaser of one of the rebuilt bikes can be assured of the accuracy and quality of the work carried out.  David was a stickler for accuracy and was a life-long engineer. Sadly he died early last year, after suffering considerable health problems over the last few years. None the less, these did not stop him from attending VMCC events such as Founder's Day or the Banbury Run. Well worth having a look at the biographical notes and details of his collection in the catalogue, if only for interest's sake!