Sunday, 30 September 2018

Model 21 at Schalleberg Classic

-JdK- Markus sent us a note and pics: "Meanwhile, with the help of the forum, I found all missing parts for my racing bike and was able to provide the project in time for the Schallenberg Classic mountain race. The Norton is a Model 21, frame no. 264XX and engine no. 333XX, dispatched from factory to Demont in Switzerland on 17th January 1927. It was never important to me that the Norton is built 100% original. It should be a racing bike, which is also needed for this. For the race, I took my second Norton, a 1926 Model 18 with street trim, it was a crowd puller. Unfortunately, it did not go without problems. 

Before the first run on Saturday, the front fork column broke, luckily only at walking pace. Unthinkable if that happened at high speed! Upon close inspection, the column was soldered sometime before as seen on pictures. I did not realize this modification as it was not visible. The problem could still be solved on place by many helpers and on Sunday I could participate in the race. Even though I did not win a cup, my first mountain race with the Norton was a wonderful experience. More races will follow next year!"