Tuesday, 22 January 2013

c1923 Model 18 Nortons

Olive and Albert's Model 18 Norton

-By Sandra in the UK- I've found a few nice photo's in the family album. The girl in the first picture is Olive Hill on my fathers motorcycle (FY6457). Olive was my father's first wife; she was born in 1902 and died in 1934.

Albert and his Model 18

The man in the other picture is my father, Albert Hill. My father, who was a motor engineer, told me that these Nortons were the first two motorcycles in Stoke-on-Trent. My dad was a regular visitor to the Isle of Man TT races, Donnington Park and a racetrack near Ashbourne. I know he competed in a sprint on the hill out of Buxton to Leek which was held every year but have no details.

The other bike (PC4608) belonged to George Hall who possibly worked at Bailey's Garage, Leek Road, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent with my father.

We think these pictures were taken about 1923/1925.

-JdK- PC4608 was issued between July 1921 to July 1923 by Surrey C.C. (currently Guildford). FY6457 was issued from September 1905 to January 1927 in Liverpool. Both motorcycles are c1923 Model 18 Nortons. Both seem to have been modified for fast road work. Note the lack of a carrier and the racing-type mudguard stays on FY6457. PC4608 has a mousetrap carburetter and extra damping on the Druid front forks fitted. Both bikes have the gearchage lever adjusted for foot operation. These chaps must have enjoyed themselves!

Somewhat puzzling, the wheels of FY6457 appear very large to me. Further, I cannot find an oiltank on PC4608 where I would expect one on a Model 18