Wednesday, 1 August 2012

1927 Model 25 Norton

-SG- A splendid period photo sent in by John in Yorkshire of a handsome Model 25 Norton complete with pannier tanks. Note the  HW TT Webb forks and 8 inch Enfield front wheel - usual fitments to this model - and the Bonniksen driven from the front wheel. The bike (DP8579) was registered in the Reading area, but judging by the luggage carrier this looks to be a holiday snap. Wonder where the Hazard Restaurant was located and indeed, what was the Hazard?

Having had a fairly quick look at the Model 25s in the records, quite a few were supplied with pannier tanks although mainly to Italy and France. However one is listed as being supplied to Julians of Reading in May 1927 and if this is it, then the rider is possibly Mr W Bull of Caversham, near Reading. John has asked that if the owner's grandson gets in touch to say the bike is still in the garden shed, will we please pass on his details...